If you have been wondering if an investment in PEI real estate is right for you then here are a few ideas you can consider for great investment opportunity in Prince Edward Island real estate. Ron and Century21 can help you decide!
As a realtor working in Summerside I see many great investment opportunities in the PEI real estate market, particularily in rentals. Summerside offers a great many smaller, well priced PEI homes and properties from $60,000 and up that afford all real estate investors, especially those just starting out, the chance to invest in PEI real estate and become a landlord. In addition to the single family units there are also many multi-family units available from under $100,000. These may be over-under duplexes or older homes that have been converted to apartments. Alternatively for the more adventurous investor there are larger homes available that are still single family dwellings that could be converted to multi-unit. Although less popular in terms of rentals, there are PEI properties for sale in the country that may also be used as rentals and still represent an investment in Prince Edward Island real estate.
Prince Edward Island is a popular tourist destination and as such, tourist accomodations make up a large part of the PEI real estate investment market. Tourist accomodations fall mainly into 2 groups, bed and breakfasts and smaller hotels/motels. Bed and Breakfast can be as simple as a family home that has been renovated to include an extra bedroom and bathroom, right through to major PEI real estate investments that separate the guests and the owners. Recently a home in Summerside was converted to a Bed and Breakfast and now has 6 designer rooms downstairs for guests while the owners have an apartment upstairs. This represents an investment exceeding $500,000 and therefore is a major investment in the local PEI real estate market. You should be aware of all government standards that must be followed as well as those standards used by rating services such as Canada Select.
PEI waterfront real estate is in scarce suppply everywhere, but PEI waterfront real estate is still an available commodity and at a price that makes it a “steal” compared with other locales such as Chester and Mahone Bay in Nova Scotia. Investors can still find large tracts of waterfront land to develop for subdivisions. Local developers have been creating cottage lot subdivions for some time and some of the new developments afford large lots and a plethora of green space and nature, such as Sunbury Cove and Sunset Dunes. If you have the money you could also develop a piece of PEI waterfront real estate and create a lucrative investment as well as a place that families will call home. It is recommended that unlike some developers, who are really only speculating on the future value of their PEI property, that you have the capital to put in roads and services in advance of selling.
PEI real estate for the summer visitor, including summer homes and cottages, represents a multi-purpose investment. You and your family can enjoy the property as a place to vacation in the summer while renting it to other vacationers when not in use. Your vacation PEI real estate also represents an equity building tool and an investment for your retirement or to pass along to other family members. If you are planning to rent your summer home to other holidayers when not in use you might consider a property management company to keep the property maintained and ready for visitors. Some property managers also take an interest in marketing your property and securing bookings. As a non-resident of Prince Edward Island you should be sure that all PEI real estate contracts should have the subject added, “subject to IRAC approval”. This is particulary important if the property is waterfront as there are restrictions on the amount of land that a non-resident may own. However it is still very easy for you to own PEI real estate.
If so, crafts and arts are very much in demand on PEI. You can look at country real estate on PEI and find a charming property that will accomodate both your business and your home. The country roads and drives provide a steady stream of visitors and potential customers. The PEI government has the “blue sign” program, a system of directional sugns that will help tourists find your business.
The PEI real estate market, while not subject to the highs of other markets, is also not prone to the lows either. It is an ideal market for the small to medium range real estate investor and a great training ground for the novice. Call me to discuss your needs and I can help you enjoy the island and own your very own piece of PEI real estate.